CIMA is thrilled to announce that Christie’s is generously sponsoring one of our fall 2019 fellowships. Founded in 1766, the venerable auction house strives to leave a positive, enduring impact on society through cultural stewardship and arts advocacy. Moreover, the company has for many years allotted a great deal of attention to Italian art.


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Una testimonianza da un Amico del CIMA: 5 Maggio / A testimony from one of CIMA’s friends: May 5

“Se esisto è anche perché il 5 maggio del 1945 fu liberato il campo di sterminio di Mauthausen dove mio padre fu deportato.

Al loro arrivo i soldati americani non si aspettavano l’orrore che si parò davanti ai loro occhi: i vivi sopravvissuti avevano l’aspetto di scheletri ricoperti di pelle. Le SS avevano pensato bene,…

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CIMA Members Visit The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future

Written by CIMA Spring intern, Elisa Pellegrini.

On March 19th, CIMA members were invited to visit the exhibition entitled Hilma af Klint: Painting for the Future, on view through April 23, 2019 at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. The group had the chance to attend a private tour led by the curatorial assistant David Horowitz.

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Members Only Tour Of Andy Warhol at the Whitney – Spring 2019

written by 2018-2019 CIMA intern, Jiayi Gu

Undefeated by the bone-chilling morning on March 5th, 2019, CIMA members, fellows and staff gathered at the Whitney Museum of American Art, awaiting an in-depth tour of “Andy Warhol—From A to B and Back Again” guided by the exhibition’s curator Donna De Salvo (Deputy Director for International Initiatives…

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